Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Our next reunion in Kingston will take place on 13, 14 and 15 September 2019. The Legacy Dinner will be on 12 September 2019.

The Mess for our usual Friday night Class function has been booked.

Notre prochaine reunion a Kingston de la Classe aura lieu le 13, 14, et 15 septembre 2019. LeDiner Heritage aura lieu le 12 septembre 2019.

Le mess pour notre soiree de la Classe le vendredi a ete reserve


CMR Homecoming Weekend is 23 - 24 August, 2019

Go to for more information

Fin de semaine des retrouvailles  23 - 24 aout, 2019

Voir pour d'autres details

-24 August 2018

24-24 August 2018

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Remembrance Day 2017

Fletcher T and Don B March in Ottawa Ceremony

And no that is not Kirk T beside Fletcher.

A different rendition of Last Post.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Classmate Recommends - Out Standing in the Field

Note to me from 8142 Rob K, a Roadent who did not move on to RMC, but went on to a successful career. He is also an avid cyclist and has biked throughout the world.

I just read Sandra Perron’s book Out Standing in the Field. A very good read that I recommend to all of my RMC colleagues.


 Full title is: Out Standing in the Field: A Memoir by Canada’s First Female Infantry Officer

Globe and Mail Review

Guess Who Owns These?

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Ottawa Branch Luncheon For New Old Brigaders

Held today, 06 Sep 2017, at the Army Officer's Mess, 3 members of the Class of '72 were given OB ties. Remember they were first year when we were seniors.

Mike J. using his trademark gentle arm twisting, was able to muster 21 of the Class, including Dave D. and Joe S.

Here's the picture. Can you name everyone?

A reminder that our next reunion will be in two years, in 2019. Tentative dates for Ex-Cadet weekend in 2019 are 19-22 September. Our plan is to continue having our own Friday night event and join the Club for the Saturday night event.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Royal Roads Homecoming 8 - 10 September, 2017

This is the homecoming being organized by Royal Roads University.

There is nothing planned by the Class.

However, if you plan on going I can post your name here so others can see who will be attending.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Ottawa RMC Branch Golf Tournament 7 July, 2017

Another outstanding Ottawa Branch Golf Tournament this past Friday with over 140 participants. The Class of ’69 was out in force once again with a contingent of 14 golfers making up some ten percent of the field. 

7761 Mike J, 8031 Tom E, 7982 Lea V, 8060 Harry M, 8019 John C, 7763 Chris H, 8023 Dave C, 8026 Mel D, 8171 Don P, 7783 Pete M, 7855 Paul H, 8033 Brian F and 7928 Cajo B. MIA when photo taken: 8145 Ken L.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Tom E's 70th

Another makes the 70 year milepost.

Congrats, Tom. Can you name everyone?

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Having both endured the loss of their partners in 2016, Judy and Keith have decided to share a new life together. As Judy said, "We figured that if Candy and Nick were together "up there", that we should be together down here." For the record, Keith was Nick's best man at their wedding so many years ago. Judy will be moving to Victoria at the end of May.

We wish them a lifetime of happiness.


Somehow I don't think Eli Wallach needs to worry, even upstairs in heaven. As well there's dialing it back in retirement and then there's just going backwards. Don't see any stress lines, so maybe he's found the magic potion.