Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Last 50 Years in Photos

I am using a photo posted yesterday by Ron K to segue into searching your archives for photos you wish to share. If you are a member of our Class of 1969 Facebook page, you can post them to the photos section. If you are not, please consider joining. An alternate approach is to send them to me and I will post them either on our blog or FB page. Ideally there will be enough to show at our reunion on the Friday night.

I would also ask that you include a current photo of you, or you and your family. If nothing else it may help avoid embarrassing moments reunion weekend when you recognize a face but no name comes up.


Thank you for open your vaults - pictures I have never seen before

Updated: 2019 09 05


12 July 1969
Lynn Paton, Maureen, Mark, Michael (aka back then as Gerry)

Royal Roads Soccer Team 1967

CMR 2013



Grad Parade 1969
Pender Island 1967
Royal Roads Reunion 2015

Scottsdale Mini Reunion

Who Doesn't Remember This Shot?
Driving by Mark, photo by Dave Redmond (RIP)
Passenger: Linda Watson

Stan the Man

12 July 1969

12 July 1969

The Boys

CMR 2004
Dave Redmond's Celebration of Life  2009
2007 Toronto Mess Dinner
Derrick Sloan's Funeral 2015

Dave and Nan

05 Jul 2019 Ottawa Branch Golf Tournament
Read all sings

05 July 2019 Ottawa Branch Golf Tournament

Arizona 2016

Circles at Roads 1965/66

L-R Brian Dyck, ?, BTB Blair Johnston, ?, Craig Nairne bending over, BTB Keith Orton, Dave Martell

11 July 2019

Geoff H, Wil B, Fletch T

L-R Larry Reigert, sitting?, Wayne Harley at bulletin board, Carl Weir sitting, Fred James in front, BTB Hugh Harper on right

Fraser Flight Members 1965/66

Sitting at left, Dave Duke.  Then left to right Jim Trick, Tony Jackson, Dave Lowdon, Bob van Balkom (sitting) Rick Wright (standing on chair), Ken Lait, Gary McCue, Doug Carr

Shoe Polish Races

#2 (Lasalle) Squadron Recruits (1965 Obstacle Course)

Back Row,  L to R: JR Morton WJ Von Helmolt KLJ Malyon MG Gainer DG Dart
Middle Row,  L to R: WJ Reid WS Andrews VP Guy JR McKenzie TJ Cave
Front Row, L to R: RD Edmondson DM Jurkowski DL Cudmore
Notice Dave Primeau, Bill McMillan, Mike Nardella in background.

Brian Dyck, Geof Haswell, Roger Bradley

#4 (Frontenac) Squadron Recruits (1965 Obstacle Course Winners)

Back Row,  L to R: KC Ogilvie T Oystrik RB Mitchell (9) RD Cain (7) JM Westrop A Leonard JE Kimber Haskell DV Bentley (1)  Dick Reid between Vaughan's left arm

Front Row, L to R: G Guindon Costanzo BK Wilson RL Aitken KL Thornton Jermyn

Mark M., Dave Redmond. Rene Bourgeault, Reg Shortt. Jim Parker, Tom H., Bob Mazur     Dec 1965

Bill and Carlotta Card (1972)

Syd Larsen

Left side F-R  Mike, Sue, Tom, Wendy, Blair
Right side F-R Julie, Rick, Linda, Patty, Garry
Legacy Dinner 1999

1979 Reunion

2004 Reunion

2009 Reunion

September 2014
Class Entry to Old Brigade - Sunday March to the Arch

Mike Jul 1969

Mike July 2019

50 years of Vroom, Vroom!

Nick and Judy

Front Row: L-R  Paradis, Dart, Maday
Second Row: Leonard, Nicholson, Johnson
Third Row: BTB Thornton, Neely, Gainer
Extreme Right: Herc
Entry into OB March to the Arch Return 2014
George almost fell and so Mike is laughing.
NB: George is wearing his original 6's jacket
Dave Redmond (RIP), Herc and K. Moulden only others I knew of who could still wear the original

Someone Came Prepared to March  2014

Roses For the Ladies
Jack Reid and Derrick Sloan (RIP)

I'm sure that's not the Cataraqui River. Is she wearing her nurse's hat?
Stu and Doug

Any Guesses? RMC is a hint

Keith with a toothache?

Doug Stu

Doug, Keith

Standing L-R: Wil, Ron, Keith, Ken, Claude
Front L-R: Frank, Dick, Ken, Blair

Shooting Team '68 or '69
L-R  Bruce, Les, Ted L ('68) and Mike

Ken B and Patty S doing DIY Flight Training

Wing Parade 1966

Regatta 1965

Obstacle Race Class of '70 (1966)

Obstacle Race Class of '70 (1966)

Mitch (Winter Carnival)

Honour Guard for Class 1968 Graduation

Front row: L-R: Paul Boudreau, Robert Bradshaw, Les White, Doug Smith, Bob Kobierski, Frank Smith, Henri Cardinal, Claude Sherren
Back row: R-L: George Maday, Dave Heath, Gerry Poffenroth, Mitch Ewan
Guard Commander: Blair Trousdell

Bob, Derrick (RIP), Mike, Patty (RIP)

Harriers at Quebec Winter Carnival
Bob, Mitch

OSLIAthlectic Association Champs
Front row: L-R Stan Gidley, Bob Morton,, Huey Mundell, BTB Mike Stenberg
Back Row: L-R Mike Shuster, Gideon Frydman, Bull Beswitherick, Sgt. Art Vondette Bill Aikman, Tom Smallman, J. B. Wood

Staff at Yeo Hall

Bob and Barbara

Missing names: L-R Bernier, GJAS, Bilocq, G, Bindernagel, K.W., Bishop, J.R.

Missing Name Carr, D. L.

Missing Name: Ferguson, D.F.


Names: L-R

Bottom Row One:
1. Bill Deacon
2. John Jamieson
3. Tony Ostrom
4. Eric Ruff
5. Frank Smith
6. Bill Lye

Row Two:
1. Fletcher Thompson
2. Tom Remfrey
3. L. Cdr Hugh MacNeil
4. L. Col  King
5. Jim Crosby
6. Claude Sherren
7. Chris Haines

Row Three
1. Hal Bolton
2. Bo Wasilewski
3. Lanny Totten
4. Jim Crosby
5. Robin Fish
6. Keith Orton

Row Four
1. Mark Hanington
2. Bill Yerex
3. Al Walker
4. Les Bennett
5. Dave Green

Top Row
1. Dana Ferguson
2. Blair Johnston

Who can forget those curtains?
Brian Paradis

Bill Gard determined that the Williment trophy is on display in the Royal Roads museum, along with a photo of the first winners, MacKenzie flight. Trophy was given for the most outstanding flight in each of the three yearly Cadet Officer slates. Through a process of checking rooms, academics, sports, drill and other relevant College activities such as Logging, blood donations, a flight is recognized each slate for its performance.

Royal Roads 1966/67
Larry Riegert, Tom Henry, Doug Ferris, Wil Bush, Ken Bindernagel

Memorial to the Unknown Recruit

Our Grad Parade.

If you think you see a Feu-de-joie you would be correct.
The GG (Roland Michener) presented the  new “Canadian” Queen’s Colours.  Pete Van H and John Robinson were the colour bearers, Colour Guard 4 Sqn,  Guard Commander, Bill Lye. The final Royal Salute was in the form of a Feu de Joie.

L-R: Robin Fish, Barry Jewell, Gerry Hammond, BTB Rene Bourgault, Chris Bissell, Craig Nairne, Larry Riegert, Jim Nicholson
These 2nd year senior cadets set up the obstacle course for the first year junior cadets at Royal Roads in 1966.  These seniors also ran the course, hence the photo.
First and only time I've seen the "animal" in Chris!

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